How Car Accessories Can Save Your Life

  • This post will have no sales pitch (well, not really) because it’s to give you some idea of how certain safety accessories for safe driving can help your overall experience.As you know MyCarGoodies tries to extol the safety features of our products. This is due to the fact that we believe that safety is number #1 when it comes to driving; any type of vehicle.
  • I reside in Thailand and it has by the numbers anyway, the most dangerous roads on the planet!  I said WTF!!! Worse than many middle eastern countries? The numbers are derived from deaths per number of population. Mind you some of the roads, if you can call them that, are to blame in part. However it is by far in the majority of time, human error that makes the number so high. In such cases no matter how much safety products you have installed in your car, fate will inevitably catch up to you just when you aren’t looking. I must say as a foreigner, when I first started driving here, it was terrifying. To survive, unfortunately the alternative is to drive as they do…to a point. Pretty much go with the flow as best you can. You do get used to it, but after 15 years if I drove like I do here back in Australia, I would be locked up in an instant!
  • Now assuming you aren’t under any “influence”, there are a few safety items that will certainly make your driving experience here a little less stressful. First I would say if you are going anywhere further away from any major cities or towns, or “off the beaten track”, then a GPS is invaluable. Also knowing how you want to get there in the first place helps enormously. Road signs in the rural areas, when available are usually only written in Thai. Even asking the locals can make matters worse!

There are many things that will make your journey easier, some not necessarily a safety item. Little things like sunglass holders clipped to the sunvisor , a trash bin within easy sight and reach. A between the seat organiser will certainly enable you to concentrate more on the task at hand. Driving without an accident – or causing one. Decent headlights, car seat warmer (for those in less than temperate climes), phone holders. Storage holders and many other products will all help to make your trip a more pleasurable and safe event. Other drivers and weather notwithstanding! A couple of photos of Bangkok traffic and some rural roads. If you read this far, then a big thank you. I would love to read any comments you care to share. Not just about this post, but the site in general.

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